How Board Level Shields Contribute to Long Battery Life and Reduced Power Consumption in Electronic Devices

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With the increasing requirement for performance-driven portable electronic devices, the need to reduce power consumption and extend battery life has become the utmost necessity. There are several ways of achieving the same and one of the most widely popular solutions is the use of board level electromagnetic interference (EMI) shields. Although these shields are specially made to protect sensitive electronic components from interference, they can also have a significant impact on the overall power consumption of the device. In this post, we will discuss how the use of board level EMI shields helps reduce power consumption, whilst also extending battery life.

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As mentioned earlier, EMI shields are designed to block or absorb electromagnetic radiation that can interfere with the normal functioning of electronic components. By preventing unwanted interference, the shields ensure that the electronic devices operate at their optimal performance levels, requiring less power to function. This, in turn, helps to extend the battery life of the devices, as they consume less energy. Following are the other ways wherein board level shields help electronic devices to augment their battery life:

  • By preventing EMI, these shields minimize the need for electronic devices to compensate for interference, thereby reducing power consumption. This is specifically vital in the case of portable devices that run on batteries, where every bit of power saved can significantly extend battery life. With the use of board level EMI shields, the electronic unit’s internal components can function more efficiently without requiring additional power to counteract interference.
  • When a device is subjected to EMI, it leads to malfunctions that may require additional processing power to operate. EMI shields are a life saver as they act as defense mechanism, stopping outside interference from distressing the device, whilst also reducing the power required to stable operation.
  • EMI shields can also improve signal integrity by minimizing signal degradation caused by electromagnetic interference. When signals are disrupted or distorted, the device may demand more power to compensate for the loss in signal quality. With EMI shielding, the integrity of signals can be maintained, reducing the need for extra power, which in turn leads to extended battery life.
  • Board level shields help isolate sensitive components or traces on the printed circuit board. Generally, crosstalk in electronic devices occur when signals from one component or trace interferes with adjacene traces. Board level shields help reduce this type of interference. The instances of reduced interference means components can operate efficiently and need not compensate for the interfance. This reduces the power consumption of the circuit.
  • Board level shields also serve as thermal barriers in densely packed electronic circuits. They prevent radiated heat from a component from affecting other components. In this way, effective thermal management leads to effective component operation and prevents any type of thermally-induced inefficiencies. Sometimes, these thermally induced inefficiencies are also one of the causes of power consumption.

In today's technology-driven world, power consumption and battery life are critical factors for any electronic device. As a result, manufacturers are constantly looking for ways to augment energy efficiency and extend the lifespan of their products. If you are looking to reduce power consumption and enhance battery life in your electronic devices, it is highly recommended to consider incorporating board level EMI shields of reputed manufacturers like XGR Technologies. The company provides SnapShot EMI shields, which offer a reliable, efficient, and compliant solution that can significantly enhance the performance and longevity of your products. You can get these board level shielding solutions in various designs to suit different board layouts and designs, allowing for seamless integration into your existing electronic systems.


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Jon Buchwald

Jon Buchwald

Jon Buchwald is the VP of Sales & Marketing at XGR Technologies, specializing in board level EMI shields. Jon is passionate about delivering innovative EMI shielding solutions to address unique design challenges. He is dedicated to providing top-notch customer service and building strong partnerships within the electronics and engineering community. For inquiries or collaborations, connect with Jon on LinkedIn  or email at